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Deploy applications from Git with Kustomizer

This guide shows you how to deploy a sample application to a Kubernetes cluster.

You'll be using a sample app composed of two podinfo instances called frontend and backend, and a redis instance called cache. The application's Kustomize overlay is located at examples/demo-app.

Before you begin

  • Install the Kustomizer CLI by the following instructions in the Installation guide.
  • Have a Kubernetes cluster version 1.20 or newer.

Kubernetes authentication

To connect to Kubernetes API, Kustomizer uses the current context from ~/.kube/config. You can set a different context with --context=<your context>. You can also specify a different kubeconfig with --kubeconfig or with the KUBECONFIG env var.

Manual deployment

Clone the app repository

Clone the Kustomizer Git repository locally:

git clone
cd kustomizer

Build the app config

Build the demo application to see its Kubernetes configuration:

kustomizer build inventory demo-app -k ./examples/demo-app -o yaml

You can validate the build command output with static analysis tools such as kubeval or kubeconform:

$ kustomizer build inventory demo-app -k ./examples/demo-app | kubeval
PASS - stdin contains a valid Namespace (kustomizer-demo-app)
PASS - stdin contains a valid ConfigMap (kustomizer-demo-app.redis-config-bd2fcfgt6k)
PASS - stdin contains a valid Service (kustomizer-demo-app.backend)
PASS - stdin contains a valid Service (kustomizer-demo-app.cache)
PASS - stdin contains a valid Service (kustomizer-demo-app.frontend)
PASS - stdin contains a valid Deployment (kustomizer-demo-app.backend)
PASS - stdin contains a valid Deployment (kustomizer-demo-app.cache)
PASS - stdin contains a valid Deployment (kustomizer-demo-app.frontend)
PASS - stdin contains a valid HorizontalPodAutoscaler (kustomizer-demo-app.backend)
PASS - stdin contains a valid HorizontalPodAutoscaler (kustomizer-demo-app.frontend)

Install the app

Install the demo application by applying the local overlay on the cluster:

$ kustomizer apply inventory demo-app -k ./examples/demo-app --prune --wait \
    --source="$(git ls-remote --get-url)" \
    --revision="$(git describe --always)"
building inventory...
applying 10 manifest(s)...
Namespace/kustomizer-demo-app created
ConfigMap/kustomizer-demo-app/redis-config-bd2fcfgt6k created
Service/kustomizer-demo-app/backend created
Service/kustomizer-demo-app/cache created
Service/kustomizer-demo-app/frontend created
Deployment/kustomizer-demo-app/backend created
Deployment/kustomizer-demo-app/cache created
Deployment/kustomizer-demo-app/frontend created
HorizontalPodAutoscaler/kustomizer-demo-app/backend created
HorizontalPodAutoscaler/kustomizer-demo-app/frontend created
waiting for resources to become ready...
all resources are ready

Kustomizer builds the overlay, validates the resulting resources against the Kubernetes API, applies the resources with server-side apply, and finally waits for the workloads to be rolled out.

Apply from other sources

Besides kustomize overlays, you can apply plain Kubernetes manifests using the -f flag:

kustomizer apply inventory demo-app \
    -f ./path/to/dir/ \
    -f ./path/to/manifest.yaml

An alternative to local files, is to apply Kubernetes configs from container registries using the --artifact flag:

kustomizer apply inventory demo-app \
    --artifact oci://

For more details see kustomizer apply inventory --help.

List and inspect the app config

After applying the resources, Kustomizer creates an inventory. You can list all inventories in a specific namespace with:

$ kustomizer get inventories -n default
NAME        ENTRIES SOURCE                                          REVISION    LAST APPLIED         
demo-app    10  6aca8c2     2021-12-22T09:15:22Z

You can view the Kubernetes objects in an inventory with:

$ kustomizer inspect inventory demo-app
Inventory: default/demo-app
LastAppliedAt: 2021-12-22T09:15:22Z
Revision: 6aca8c2
- Namespace/kustomizer-demo-app
- ConfigMap/kustomizer-demo-app/redis-config-bd2fcfgt6k
- Service/kustomizer-demo-app/backend
- Service/kustomizer-demo-app/cache
- Service/kustomizer-demo-app/frontend
- Deployment/kustomizer-demo-app/backend
- Deployment/kustomizer-demo-app/cache
- Deployment/kustomizer-demo-app/frontend
- HorizontalPodAutoscaler/kustomizer-demo-app/backend
- HorizontalPodAutoscaler/kustomizer-demo-app/frontend

The inventory records are used to track which objects are subject to garbage collection. The inventory is persistent on the cluster as a ConfigMap.

Diff the app config changes

Delete the frontend workload and change the Redis version to 6.2.1 by editing the ./examples/demo-app/kustomization.yaml file.

If you have yq installed, run:

yq eval 'del(.resources[0])' -i ./examples/demo-app/kustomization.yaml
yq eval '.images[1].newTag="6.2.1"' -i ./examples/demo-app/kustomization.yaml

Preview the changes using the diff command:

$ kustomizer diff inventory demo-app -k ./examples/demo-app --prune
► Deployment/kustomizer-demo-app/cache drifted
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ "1"
     env: demo
   creationTimestamp: "2021-12-22T09:47:37Z"
-  generation: 1
+  generation: 2
   labels: webapp demo-app
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
       - command:
         - redis-server
         - /redis-master/redis.conf
-        image:
+        image:
         imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
           failureThreshold: 3
► Service/kustomizer-demo-app/frontend deleted
► Deployment/kustomizer-demo-app/frontend deleted
► HorizontalPodAutoscaler/kustomizer-demo-app/frontend deleted

Note that when diffing Kubernetes secrets, Kustomizer diff masks the secret values in the output.

Update the app

Rerun the apply command to update the demo application:

$ kustomizer apply inventory demo-app -k ./examples/demo-app --prune --wait \
    --source="$(git ls-remote --get-url)" \
    --revision="$(git describe --dirty --always)"
building inventory...
applying 7 manifest(s)...
Namespace/kustomizer-demo-app unchanged
ConfigMap/kustomizer-demo-app/redis-config-bd2fcfgt6k unchanged
Service/kustomizer-demo-app/backend unchanged
Service/kustomizer-demo-app/cache unchanged
Deployment/kustomizer-demo-app/backend unchanged
Deployment/kustomizer-demo-app/cache configured
HorizontalPodAutoscaler/kustomizer-demo-app/backend unchanged
HorizontalPodAutoscaler/kustomizer-demo-app/frontend deleted
Deployment/kustomizer-demo-app/frontend deleted
Service/kustomizer-demo-app/frontend deleted
waiting for resources to become ready...
all resources are ready

After applying the resources, Kustomizer removes the Kubernetes objects that are not present in the current inventory. Kustomizer garbage collector deletes the namespaced objects first then it removes the non-namspaced ones.

Delete the app

Delete all the Kubernetes resources belonging to an inventory including the inventory storage:

$ kustomizer delete inventory demo-app --wait
retrieving inventory...
deleting 7 manifest(s)...
HorizontalPodAutoscaler/kustomizer-demo-app/backend deleted
Deployment/kustomizer-demo-app/cache deleted
Deployment/kustomizer-demo-app/backend deleted
Service/kustomizer-demo-app/cache deleted
Service/kustomizer-demo-app/backend deleted
ConfigMap/kustomizer-demo-app/redis-config-bd2fcfgt6k deleted
Namespace/kustomizer-demo-app deleted
ConfigMap/default/demo-app deleted
waiting for resources to be terminated...
all resources have been deleted

Automated deployment

You can automate the deployment process by running Kustomizer in CI.

Here is an example of a GitHub Actions workflow that deploys the app every time there is a change to the Kubernetes configuration:

name: deploy
      - 'main'
      - 'examples/demo-app/**'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Setup kubeconfig
        uses: azure/k8s-set-context@v1
          kubeconfig: ${{ secrets.KUBE_CONFIG }}
      - name: Setup kustomizer
        uses: stefanprodan/kustomizer/action@main
      - name: Diff
        continue-on-error: true
        run: |
          kustomizer diff inventory ${{ }} \
            -k ./examples/demo-app --prune
      - name: Deploy
        run: |
          kustomizer apply inventory ${{ }} \
            --source=${{ github.event.repository.html_url }} \
            --revision=${{ github.sha }} \
            -k ./examples/demo-app --prune --wait

For more details on how to use Kustomizer within GitHub workflows, please see the GitHub Actions documentation.